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Packing Notes
- Please label everything! You stand a much better chance of your items making it back with you from camp if you make sure to label EVERYTHING, including equipment. Iron-on labels can be ordered from or Sanford “Rub-A-Dub” laundry markers work well too.
- Medications, special foods, adapted eating utensils or formula will need to be given to the nurses at check in, so please make sure they are readily accessible.
- If sending medications, Pack extra medications, at least two extra days’s worth. If there is any specialized care – please pack extra supplies.
- Send clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty and that won’t be hurt from a lot of activity.
- If you are choosing the laundry option YOU MUST LABEL. In an effort to decrease lost and found, we are requesting parents pack 1 or 2 medium to large LABELED mesh bags be included with your child’s items. We are going to request counselors place camper’s dirty clothing darl/lights in the labeled mesh bags before bringing it to the laundry. The clothing should stay in the mesh bag throughout the wash process and hopefully be returned with out lost items. If this is a hardship let your barracks captain know as we will have alternatives.
- Do not bring: any money (there is no place to spend it), valuables or any electronic devices such as cell phones or iPods. North Central Kiwanis will not take responsibility to replace any of these items if they do not return home.
- If you insist on your camper bringing a cell phone; it must be checked in with your Barracks Captains. There is limited time, if any, for calling home. If you must call your camper, be sure to coordinate a set time with your Barracks Captains. If you are a first time camper/parent and want to check how your camper is doing, call a head counselor, or the camp director, and we will give you a report.
Recommended Packing List
- Summer clothes – the days are usually warm at camp
- Jacket/warm coat – it can get pretty cold at night
- Large plastic bag for counselors/campers to place dirty laundry- LABEL the bag.
- Long pant(s)
- Short pant(s)
- Sweater or sweat shirt
- Dress up clothes for formal dinner and dance (Nice when those are put in a plastic bag to stay clean.)
- Hat/cap
- Flip/flops or sandals for pool or shower
- Socks
- Shoes
- Underwear/Diapers/Pull-Ups
- Bathing suit
- Pajamas
- Glasses and case
- Toilet kit
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Hair brush
- Comb
- Soap/shampoo
- Towels/wash clothes
- Sunscreen
- Disposable camera (optional) – do not bring a good camera
- Flashlight (optional)
- Bedding – a summer weight sleeping bag is easiest unless your camper has any chance of wetting at night. In that case, send sheets and blankets instead and if possible a waterproof twin bed pad (our washing machines can’t handle sleeping bags.
- Pillow
- Blanket
- Duffle bag or suitcase
- Costumes for theme meals (remember to use thrift shops- nothing new or expensive!)
- Special Equipment – if there are any removable parts (like leg rests), be sure to label them! If the last name is the same consider using address labels.
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